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ATRS Big Gun Giveaway

The ATRS STICKER SALES contests (the “Contest”) begins on or about October 11th, 2024 at 12:00pm Mountain Standard Time and ends on or about Nov 14th, 2024 at 12:00pm Mountain Standard Time (the “Contest Period”). The deadline for receiving Contest entries is Nov 13th, 2024 at 12:00pm Mountain Standard Time (the “Entry Deadline”). No purchase is necessary to enter. Entry in the Contest constitutes acceptance of the terms, conditions and provisions set out below.

    • Eligible individuals may enter the Contest in any one of the following ways:.
    • Purchase of a select group of ATRS stickers; or
    • Write a hand-written 1,334 word essay on how to bring about positive change in firearm regulation and legislation in Canada and submit that to the Contest Sponsor. Each accepted essay will receive one ATRS sticker / Entry.
    • There is no limit to the number of entries an individual may make and multiple entries are encouraged.
    The Prizes consist of the following:
    • First Place: One (1) Custom ATRS built rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor

  3. 2.2) Winners must have a valid PAL or RPAL (as appropriate) to receive firearms or ammunition.
    2.3) No prize or package will exceed $9,500.00 in value.
    • On the dates specified in Rule 2.1(a) above for the prize, random draws will be conducted and published by a representative of the Contest Sponsor from all eligible entries using to generate numbers as a random draw.
    • The selected entrants will be notified by email and three attempts will be made to contact the selected entrant. If a selected entrant cannot be contacted in the manner described above, or if a selected entrant is not eligible or otherwise does not comply with the contest rules, their entry will be declared void and a further entry will be randomly selected.
    • The prize must be shipped within 365 days, with the contest winner having met all legal conditions required to take possession before this time. Cost of shipping and insurance will be covered by the Contest Sponsor.
    • The prize package is transferable but any transfer must occur in writing and within 7 days of winner announcement, and the 365 day limit for shipping is not suspended or altered by any transfer.
    • The odds of winning are estimated at 1 in 139.
    • To claim the Prize, the selected entrant will be required:
    • to sign and return a release of liability releasing the Contest Sponsor, its affiliates and subsidiaries, advertising and promotional agencies, any judge or judges appointed by the Contest Sponsor, and in each case their respective directors, officers, owners, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns, from any liability in connection with the Contest or the acceptance, possession or use of the Prize; and
    • to sign and return an affidavit/certificate of eligibility to the effect that they are an eligible entrant and have complied in all respects with the Contest Rules.
    • The winners must permit and cooperate with the Contest Sponsor publishing their name, city of residence, and a suitable photo of the winner (to be provided by the winner).
    • The Prizes must be accepted as awarded. The Prize is not transferable (except as provided) or convertible into cash. No transfer, substitution or conversion of the Prizes will be allowed.
    • Except as expressly represented or warranted herein, the Prize is provided to the winner “as is” without any additional or further representation or warranty of any kind.
    • All taxes, fees and surcharges on the Prize are the sole responsibility of the Prize winner.
    • The Contest Sponsor reserves the right to substitute the Prize for a Prize of equal retail value in the event the intended Prize becomes unavailable or for any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor.
    3.1 The Contest is open only to legal residents of Canada, excluding Quebec. The Contest is void where prohibited by law.
    3.2 Participants must be eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time of entry.
    3.3 Directors of the Contest Sponsor, their immediate family members and those with whom any of the foregoing are domiciled, are not eligible.
    3.4 This contest is not valid where prohibited by law. The winning contestant must possess a valid Firearms Licence, Possession Licence or Possession and Acquisition Licence, as the case may be, and further, the winning contestant must comply with all other federal, provincial and municipal statutory and regulatory requirements. The winning contestant will pay all fees and other costs of permits, registrations or other transfer requirements. By accepting the Prize, the winning contestant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Contest Sponsor, its members, partners, directors, donors and volunteers from and against any and all liability, claims, suits, demands or costs, including legal fees, arising out of or related to this contest or the Prize.
    3.5 The winner must correctly answer a skill testing question in order to receive the giveaway.
    4.1 By submitting an entry or claiming a Prize, the participant agrees to be bound by all of the terms, conditions and provisions set out in these Contest Rules.
    4.2 Contest is subject to all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws and regulations.
    4.3 All decisions of the Contest Sponsor, and any judge or judges appointed by the Contest Sponsor, with respect to any aspect of the Contest shall be final and without appeal.
    4.4 The Contest Sponsor accepts no liability whatsoever arising in respect of the participation in the Contest by any individual or the awarding or use of any Prize.
    4.5 One prize will be awarded.
    4.6 The identity of the Contest Winner may be obtained by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope, during the one year period commencing one month following the completion of the Contest Period to the Contest Sponsor:
    4.7 All entries and Prize claims become the sole and exclusive property of the Contest Sponsor and will not be returned.
    4.8 Any entry is subject to verification and any entry that is received by the Contest Sponsor that is defaced, mutilated, illegible, forged, tampered with or altered in any way, contains errors, or has not been obtained through legitimate channels is automatically void.
    4.9 Persons found to be tampering with or abusing any aspect of the Contest, as determined in the sole discretion of the Contest Sponsor, will be disqualified.
    4.10 In the event that circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor result in the determination by the Contest Sponsor, in its sole discretion, that the fairness or integrity of the Contest has been materially compromised, the Contest Sponsor reserves the right to suspend, delay or terminate the Contest.
    5.1 By entering into the Contest, you consent to the collection, use and sharing of information about you:
    (a) between the Contest Sponsor and its agents and representatives for the sole purpose of administering the Contest;
    (b) to initiate, maintain and develop a relationship with you in connection with the offering of goods or services of the Contest Sponsor;
    (c) to make available to you from time to time information, promotional material and other material which may be of interest to you; and
    5.2 By entering into the Contest, you consent to the use and disclosure of your name, personal information and photographs and video of you, without compensation, by the Contest Sponsor for the purposes of the disclosure of the identity of Prize winner and for the general promotional purposes of the Contest Sponsor in connection with the Contest and agree to appear and cooperate in such promotional activities..
    6.1 The Contest Sponsor, its affiliates and subsidiaries, advertising and promotional agencies, any judge or judges appointed by the Contest Sponsor, and in each case their respective directors, officers, owners, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns, shall not, in any circumstances whatsoever, be liable for:
    • any cost, liability, expense, injury, damage or claim of any kind, arising in connection with the Contest or resulting from acceptance, possession or use of any Prize including, without limitation, personal injury, death, and property damage, and claims based on publicity rights, defamation, or invasion of privacy; or
    (b) any incidental, consequential, special or indirect damages, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
    6.2 The Contest Sponsor will not be liable for late, lost, invalid, ineligible, illegible, incomplete, stolen, misdirected or postage-due entries or Prize claims.
    6.3 The Contest Sponsor assumes no responsibility for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network, telephone lines, computer online systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, or the failure of any entry or Prize claim to be received by the
    Contest Sponsor on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website, or any combination thereof.
    7.1 By entering into the Contest, each participant releases and holds harmless the Contest Sponsor, its affiliates and subsidiaries, advertising and promotional agencies, any judge or judges appointed by the Contest Sponsor, and in each case their respective directors, officers, owners, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns, from any and all liability in connection with the Contest or resulting from acceptance, possession or use of any Prize including, without limitation, personal injury, death, and property damage, and claims based on publicity rights, defamation, or invasion of privacy